
3-4/10/20 – 08:00-????: Kaf’ og Konsol goes to NørdCon and celebrates afterparty at our place!

We have joined forces with the great people of Nørdmarked, and we will take some of our consoles, walk 500 meters and put up our stuff. In the evening we will host a special Nørdmarked-party at our café. Be ready to lots of nerds and lots of games! Woohoo!!

12/2019 – 02/2020: Kaf’ og Konsol goes to Troldspejlet at DR, season 1-2.

12/09/2019 – 19:00 – Kaf’ og Konsol goes to Troldspejlet Live in Nyborg!

We are making sure the warmup for Jakob Stegelmann is going smoothly. Setting up 5-7 stations on KinoVino in the old capital of Kings and it’s going to be awesome! Bring your danish skills, because Jakob Stegelmann is a danish legend in the entertainment business!

24-25/05/2019 – 17:00 – Kaf’ og Konsol #7 – Back to the Kraftwerk!

We are going back to Kraftwerket! Nobody knows if this is our last dance at Kraftwerket. So let’s make it one heck of a game party! We are bringing around 20 stations, fills 2 floors with furniture, plants etc. and we are hosting for 2 days!

27/04/2019 – 11:00 – Kaf og Konsol goes to Ruben og Bobby’s Anniversary Party

10 years selling toys and consoles from the 80s! Let’s celebrate that – we’re bringing 3 consoles and they bring a whole lot of DJs! Come by Bjelkes Allé!

19/03/2019 – 19:00 – Kaf og Konsol goes to Troldspejlet Live

We are making sure the warmup for Jakob Stegelmann is going smoothly. Setting up 8 stations on Bremen Theatre and it’s going to be awesome! Bring your danish skills, because Jakob Stegelmann is a danish legend in the entertainment business!

02/03/2019 – 10:00 – Kaf’ og Konsol goes to Nørdmarked

We are taking part in NørdMarked where we try to give the whole marked a push towards being cozy! Come by and game your favorite games and remember to bring your friends!

04/01/2019 at 16:00 – Kaf’ og Konsol Pop Up: Cava & Console 

Kaf’ og Konsol Pop Up will last from the 4th of January to the 25th!!!

We are opening for almost a full month at Råhuset on the first floor! Come celebrate New Year with us at this special Cava and Console event. We will give 1 glass of Cava to the first 40 guests! 🙂

Expect what we normally do; couches, plants, rugs, candles. Games, Games, Games, Coffee, beer, and this time Cava at a good price!!

We’re taking a small entrance fee of 35 kroners for the friday night. These money doesn’t go to pay for the cava, that’s on us!, but to help us in our future buyings of gear!

And what about treating your hangovers on Saturday?

Join us again at 14:00. Find the event right here:

12/10/2018 at 18:00 –  Kaf’ og Konsol #6 This Time at Råhuset

Our sixth hyggelige gamingevent is at Råhuset!

We are going to have a whole apartment with approximately 15 consoles brought along and of course lots of hygge, couches, plants, candlelights etc!

Ps4, Switch, N64, Snes Mini, Nes Mini, PS1, X1, X360, PS3, Ps2 and more!

Tekken 3, Mario Kart Switch and 64, Super Mario Party, Overcooked 2, Rayman Legends, Towerfall, GoldenEye, smash bros Wii u, Super Mario Wii, Wii Sports. Etc. Etc. Etc!

02/06/2018 at 17:00 – Kaf’ & Konsol #5 – Summer Saturday Edition!

Kaf’ og Konsol #5 summer edition! And still on a Saturday!

This time we will host our cozy event on Saturday the 2nd of June (it’s a Saturday again!!!). As usual we will set up the couches, the armchairs and the plain chairs. The carpets, the flowers and the candles. And of course also the TVs, the projectors and the CONSOLEs. Because we are going to create the livingroom gaming feeling!

You’ll just have to grab your mates (again!!! :D) and have a great evening with coffee, beers, Rosé (danish summer!!) and your favorite local co-op games! Since it’s summer, we are working on something to do outside if the danish weather allows it (nothing promised, nothing revealed!)

As last time we will ask for a pay-what-you-want fee. You can pay whatever you think is fair to 61 69 62 89 (Jess Berntsen) on mobilepay now – mark it at least “K&K”. You can also pay whatever you want at the entrance. Of course, the money earned will be spent on improving the Kaf’ og Konsol-experience.

17/03/2018 at 17:00 – Kaf’ & Konsol #4 – On a Saturday

We have already reached the 4th event – it has been awesome so far, let’s keep it up!

This time, we will host our cozy event on a Saturday. It will be Saturday the 17th of March. As usual we will set up couches, armchairs and plain chairs. Carpets, flowers and candles. – Of course we will also have TVs, projectors and CONSOLEs. Because we are going to create the livingroom feeling! – you’ll just have to grab your mates and have a great evening with coffee, beers, wine and your favorite local co-op games!

We are going to have approximately the same amount of machinery as last time + one or two machines, which were about 20 stations. Be ready to game on Xbox’s and Playstations, Nintendos and at least one Steam PC. From the earliest Nintendo to the newest PS4.

You can find both our complete Excel-catalogue and our “simplified” catalogue here:

As last time we will ask for a pay-what-you-want fee. You can pay whatever you think is fair to 61 69 62 89 (Jess Berntsen) on mobilepay now – mark it at least “K&K”. You can also pay whatever you want at the entrance. Of course, the money earned will be spent on improving the Kaf’ og Konsol-experience.



08 / 12 / 2017 kl 17:00 –     Kaf’ og Konsol #3 – Christmas Special

Kaf’ og Konsol #3 will be a holiday special!

On December 8th, we will set up couches, armchairs and plain chairs. Carpets, flowers and candles. – Of course we will also have TVs, projectors and CONSOLEs. Because we are going to create the livingroom feeling! – you’ll just have to grab your mates and have a great evening with coffee, beers, glögg and your favorite local co-op games!

We are going to have approximately the same amount of machinery as last time, which were about 20 stations. Be ready to game on Xbox’s and Playstations, Nintendos and at least one Steam PC. From the earliest Nintendo to the newest PS4.

You can find both our complete Excel-catalogue and our “simplified” catalogue here:

Now that it is a Christmas special, we will also make sure to have Danish specialties like æbleskiver and glögg. We will also have Christmas beers and christmas themed games!

Since we are not supported by neither Valby Lokaludvalg nor Snabslanten next time, we are going to ask a pay what you want entrance fee. You can pay whatever you think is fair to 61 69 62 89 (Jess Berntsen) on mobilepay now – mark it at least “K&K”. You can also pay whatever you want at the entrance. Of course, the money earned will be spent on improving the Kaf’ og Konsol-experience.

15 / 09 / 2017 kl 17:00 –      Kaf’ og Konsol #2 – Game Night

KraftWerket danner endnu engang rammen for vort hyggelige event, hvor kaffe, øl og Crabbies går hånd i hånd med konsolgaming og socialt samvær!

Lige som sidst vil der være en del skærme og projektorer, samt PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch og retro.

Det er gratis at deltage, men man kan købe lækker kaffe og lækre øl i baren, pengene går til vedligehold af Kraftwerket. Derudover håber vi også, at I vil donere en lille mønt til fremtidige Game Nights…

I er velkomne til at tage egne controllers og spil med – vi glæder os bare sindssygt meget til at se jer og jeres venner!

Knus og kærlighed fra Kaf’ og Konsol!

Kaf’ og Konsol er sponsoreret af Ruben og Bobby, RetroBros og støttet af Snabslanten

Once again, KraftWerket will set the stage for our cozy gaming event where coffee, beer and Crabbie’s go hand in hand with console gaming and good times with friends.

More information will come at a later date, but we can already promise:

PS4’s, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and a bunch of retro consoles hooked up to screens and projectors.

The event is free, but you can buy delicious craft beer and damn good coffee in the bar. The money goes towards the maintenance of KraftWerket. If you want to, you can also donate an amount of your choice for future Game Nights.

You are welcome to bring your own consoles, games and controllers – in any case, we’re looking forward to seeing you and your friends!

Hugs and love from Kaf’ og Konsol (“Coffee and Console”)

Kaf’ & Konsol is sponsored by RetroBros, Ruben & Bobby and backed by Snabslanten

09 / 07 / 2017 kl 17:00 –      Kaf’ og Konsol #1 – Konsol Gaming Night

Endelig kan vi løfte sløret for vores første event. Det vil finde sted d. 9. juni 2017. Det er en højhellig fredag og hele arrangementet vil foregå på Kraftwerket i Valby – og det er ganske gratis. Her er informationen om eventet:

                        København mangler et sted for os, der bare godt kan lide at mødes til hyggelig gaming og en god kop kaffe eller øl. Derfor skal en ny tradition startes, hvor vi tager første spadestik med dette event – altså et event der bliver det første af en lang række af hyggelige gaming nights.